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M.C. Networks Inc.




Email Delivery Information & Troubleshooting

Email Delivery Issues: If you are having trouble sending mail to one of our customers, please contact postmaster@mcnetworkscorp.com & be sure to include the original message, along with email headers. We will investigate the issue & whitelist your domain or IP address within about 4 hours if your request is legitimate.

To Report SPAM or Unsolicited Bulk Email: Users of our system are strictly prohibited from sending mass email, SPAM or any type of unsolicited bulk email. If you suspect a user from our network is in violation of our anti-spam policies, please forward a copy of the offending messages, including all mail headers to abuse@mcnetworkscorp.com - we will investigate your complaint & take appropriate action.

Recipient Blacklist: If you would like to prevent our system from sending you any email whatsoever, simply add your email address or domain name to our Recipient Blacklist by clicking here. Your request will be processed within 12-24 hours. If you are already on our Recipient Blacklist & would like to resume recieving email from our system, you can send requests for removal to postmaster@mcnetworkscorp.com

Mail Server IP's: If your email filtering system is not accepting mail from our servers, please have your email administrator whitelist the following IP Addresses:



Report Abuse & Copyright Infringement

To Report Abuse: If you suspect a user is abusing our IP Address Space, please send an Abuse Report, including any relevant details to abuse@mcnetworkscorp.com - we will investigate the issue & take appropriate action.

To Report Copyright Infringement*: Users of our network storage & website hosting services are prohibited from hosting copyrighted or otherwise infringing material under Canada’s Copyright Modernization Act, an amendment to the Copyright Act. Please send notices of infringement to CCMA@mcnetworkscorp.com. In accordance with Canada's Notice and Notice requirements, we will relay notices we recieve to the appropriate user as soon as feasible & notify you of our action. M.C. Networks will retain a record of all notices for 1 year from the date of submittal. DMCA Takedown Notices will be treated as Infringement Notices & Canada's Notice and Notice procedures will be followed as outlined above.
*Please be advised that Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Takedown Notices will NOT be honored, as our content, storage & hosting servers are situated outside the United States DMCA jurisdiction area.
M.C. Networks Caching Servers located within the United States are granted "Safe Harbor" from liabilty under the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. M.C. Networks storage & hosting servers are situated outside the United States Patriot Act jurisdiction area.



M.C. Networks Corp.
(646) 397-6264

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